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What Comes Next After Drug Rehab?

The patients who have successfully completed PHP or IOP treatment may need additional support after leaving rehab. In these situations, we offer long term aftercare. Our outpatient aftercare program give patients a better chance of maintaining sobriety and preventing relapse. During aftercare patients learn about:

Issues with Marriage or Parents
Job Placement and Work Life
Make new supportive friends
Stay away from people, places or things that can trigger a relapse

After Care Treatment

Our aftercare program in Fort Lauderdale, Florida is well suited for individuals who need to ease into building their new sober life. Our program helps clients live a substance free and structured life. Structure is extremely important in early recovery. 

Substance abuse takes up a large amount of an individual’s time. When you stop using and decide to live a sober life, you are left with a lot of free time on your hands. This is where aftercare is especially helpful. We provide individual and group activities so clients can fill the void productively, without using drugs or alcohol. 

Drug tests are done to ensure the safety, health, and protection of clients in aftercare. Some drug tests are random, and others are scheduled. Drug tests are important because people in sober living need to be surrounded by others who have made a commitment to sobriety. 

Our aftercare clients attend AA meetings, seek employment or enroll in school as soon as possible, so they can create and maintain a healthy schedule.

12 Step Meetings

We also encourage our patients to get a sponsor immediately when they begin aftercare, so they can continue to work the 12-Steps. 

The fellowship in 12 Step programs can be extremely powerful. Those in 12 Step programs want their fellow members to succeed and everyone benefits from mutual support. Emotional support is given to each other, so the members are stronger together. Sharing stories and learning from other members is uplifting, and people don’t feel isolated. Facing challenges in early recovery is much better have a support system in place.

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